What sets ZCS apart from the competition?

  • We are an efficient one-stop shop. As a multi-disciplined, prime provider of most services in-house, our collaboration with you and our team is efficient, adaptive, and cost-effective.
  • We’ve been in the industry since 1978. Our clients benefit from our reputation, expertise, and industry connections and we work hard to meet the highest standards.
  • Open communication with our clients from start to finish in every project. We never cover up or avoid problematic situations or challenges; facing every issue head-on while keeping clients in the loop.
  • We are engaged, caring members in our local communities. Our neighbors and clients place their trust in us and we always uphold ethical business practices and personal integrity.

Our Story

1927  Non-mandatory seismic provisions are included with the publishing of the first Uniform Building Code. Klamath Falls, OR is one of 7 jurisdictions in the nation to adopt.

1960’s  Richard Zbinden serves under J. Edgar Hoover as a Special Agent in the FBI.

1978  Oregon Institute of Technology Professor Richard Zbinden founds Zbinden Engineering in Klamath Falls, OR as a structural engineering company.

1989  OIT graduate Russell Carter joins; company doubles in size. Ground trembles when the October 17th Loma Prieta earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay Area raising awareness of the importance of structural engineering standards and seismic detailing.

1990’s  Company grows and begins to offer civil engineering and building design services.

1993  A magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits Klamath Falls on September 30,  ZCS responds evaluating buildings and growing the company’s knowledge of seismic detailing needs and failure modes of standard northwest structures during earthquakes.

1995  Louise Ganong, Richard Zbinden’s personal accountant, joins ZCS and ultimately rises to her current position as Chief Financial Officer.

2001  Zbinden Engineering becomes Zbinden Carter Engineering.

2001  Opening of Bend branch office

2002  Sy Allen is hired and moves to the Bend branch office within the year. Mars Odyssey Spacecraft finds water on Mars.

2003  Matt Smith starts work at company headquarters. Design for World Trade Center 1, “Freedom Tower”, begins.

2003  Opening of Portland branch office

2004  Corporate headquarters moves to 900 Klamath Avenue in Klamath Falls, OR.

2005  Company incorporates as ZCS Engineering, Inc.

2006  Sy Allen relocates to his home town and opens the Grants Pass branch office.

2000’s  Richard Zbinden acts as President of the Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Land Surveyors.

2008  Intern Zach Stokes is hired on at ZCS as a full-time employee. US stock market crumbles losing 34% on the year.

2011  Zach Stokes moves to Portland to run the Portland branch office.

2012  Portland branch office relocates to historic downtown Oregon City.

2014  Opening of Medford branch office

2016  ZCS Engineering hires its first registered architect, Joelle Harris.

2017  Company rebrands as ZCS Engineering and Architecture as it evolves to provide clients with comprehensive in-house services. ZCS establishes a formal company organizational model. Russ Carter, Sy Allen, Louise Ganong, Zach Stokes, and Matt Smith are principals.

2018  ZCS Engineering and Architecture surpasses 50 employees including registered professionals with registrations throughout the country.